The third point of interest is the personality of Inspector Wallander, and how his own personal problems influence the investigation of the murders. Secondly, Mankell is great at giving a sense of place to his story, and the readers will be interested to get to know rural Sweden which awaits snowfall, and there is a mention of the famous-to-the-region Ale’s Stones and Glimmingehus. Upon the finding of the murder, the investigation then uncovers all these strange clues and we start to wonder whether there is more to the victims than appears at first glance. Firstly, the book could not have started more interestingly, and we first uncover the perspective of Lövgren’s neighbour who awakes during the night for no apparent reason. The first part of this thriller is this intriguing read, with Mankell preparing to linger before moving forward with the plot to give a sense of place to his story, as well as being mindful of presenting Wallander as a sympathetic human being. If the first part of this book is this exciting mystery-thriller where we also delve into the character of Wallander and uncover the extent of his personal problems, the second part of the book is a less compelling narrative of an investigation of another crime which leads to a predictable conclusion. As the investigation continues, Inspector Wallander confronts clues that point to the possibility of foreign nationals being responsible for the murders, and then have to deal with the hate crime and racially-motivated attacks. The investigation team soon notice that the area where the murders happened is very isolated, relatively peaceful, and they have no immediate suspects. A husband and wife (Johannes and Maria Lövgren) are found brutally killed with mysterious clues left behind, such as the fact that the killers allegedly fed the farm horse before they left. In this story, Inspector Wallander is called upon to investigate the savage double murder in Lunnarp, Skåne.
Like Novels By Henning Mankell like Faceless Killers? Check out the following exciting titles.This is the first book in the Kurt Wallander detective series penned by Henning Mankell, a Swedish author, who in 1992 won for this book the first ever Glass Key Award, given to authors from the Nordic countries. This is a captivating story from the beginning to the end it is well-written and is another great must-read from the Wallander series.

Mankell has masterfully written a story of crime in which not only explores the police procedural aspects but also includes such important social elements in the book. You can imagine how this big shift might be too much for some middle-aged people in the country and how it might add to the flame of rage by the anti-immigrant groups.

The same goes with the former soviet immigrants, Africans and others. Now, it’s more than 150,000 and If I am not mistaken, they are the biggest alien group in the country with several parlimant members. Sweden is a small country: Looking at the statistics we notice that in the early 1970s, as an example, there were less that 150 Iranians living in the country. This story touches upon a very sensitive issue in the Scandinavian countries: With the rise of the neo-nazi groups and occasional crimes occuring by the immigrants, handling the public sentiment and at the same time solving the crime cases is very difficult for the police forces. He quickly becomes obsessed with solving the crime before the already tense situation explodes, but soon comes to realize that it will require all his reserves of energy and dedication to solve. Unlike the situation with his ex-wife, his estranged daughter, or the beautiful but married young prosecuter who has peaked his interest, in this case, Wallander finds a problem he can handle. And as if this didn’t present enough problems for the Ystad police Inspector Kurt Wallander, the dying woman’s last word is foreign, leaving the police the one tangible clue they have–and in the process, the match that could inflame Sweden’s already smoldering anti-immigrant sentiments. This book starts with a senselessly violent crime: On a cold night in a remote Swedish farmhouse an elderly farmer is bludgeoned to death, and his wife is left to die with a noose around her neck.

I was not disappointed: Wow! What a story. Movies often tend to leave imporatnt details and poetic language out and afterwards one feels lazy to go back and read the book (at least in my case). We read this book last year after hearing that PBS network was going to air the Faceless Killers as part of their Masterpiece Mystery series. I don’t know about you but I always prefer to read a book before seeing it on the screen/TV. Faceless Killers is one of our favorite crime novels and we wanted to write a quick review on the book.